maandag 31 mei 2010

31/5/2010 3

Turns out it's anothe 2 km to the feeding places so I walk on again and get a ride in the back of a pick-up truck.
The feeding time was a bit like yesterday, crowded and noisy, but the Proboscis Monkeys were rather close and out in the open. There was also a bird with black&white beak and another sort of monkey that seemed rather tame and friendly.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

hai stranger leuke fotos vd aapjes ge moet wel wat meer bokes eten want ge wordt wat dunnekes Hier loopt alles goed dus amuseer je maar.Prachtige natuur zeker in
Borneo,ga je ook de jungle in? grtjs monique S vd sterigirls