zondag 30 mei 2010

Borneo, 30/5/2010

I did get 3 month visa on arrival in Penang :-) since then I went to 2 islands just of the coast of Kota Kinabalu (KK) and then went and climbed Mount Kinabalu, 4195 meters high it is, but the bus drops you at about 1500 meters altitude. anyway, the first day one climbs to 3400 meters and then has diner + go to bed at 9 PM to get up again at 2 AM and climb to the summit. There you put on as much warm clothing as you brought and wait for sunrise, i got lucky and actually saw it, days before it had been cloudy.
Then the hardest part starts: the descent back down to 1500 meters. Now , 2 days later my legs are starting to feel sore.
Today i spent with the Orangutans of Sepilok rehabilitation centre which was great.
That's all for now.

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