dinsdag 30 maart 2010

Bhutan First Few Days

The first days in Buthan have been great, the group I'm with is nice, 2 brits and a German couple, and the festival was great fun!
We also visited a weaving factory, the national museum and then this morning the festival again to see the huge thangka. After that we went to the Tiger Nest Monastery which was very beautyful.
For the pictures you will have to wait because Bhutan internet is dead slow.

donderdag 18 maart 2010

Oh yes, I nearly forgot to mention, Rebbe has made babies twice already this year, good on him !!!!!!!
I saw some wild flowers (first of the season) on the "Wolvenberg" today, must say that my camera takes great pictures! Am quite happy !
Just 2 more days at work and then I'm FREE untill the first of November 2010 !!!!
Sounds great to me !!!!!